Cost Workshop: Experimental Flowing Matter

The goal of COST Action MP1305 is to stimulate the interaction between the different scientific communities working on Flowing Matter: Complex fluids (suspensions, granular materials, glasses, rheology), active matter (biological and synthetic micro-swimmers, bird flocks, insect swarms), and complex flows (turbulence, chaotic flows). This workshop will focus on experimental aspects of all three themes, and will foster the exchange of ideas and support new collaborations between different communities.

Confirmed Invited Speakers: 

1) Nuno Araujo, Lisbon University, Portugal,
2) Paolo Malgaretti, MPI Stuttgart, Germany,
3) Thomas Franosch, Innsbruck University, Austria,
4) Hartmut Löwen, Düsseldorf University, Germany,
5) Alper Kiraz, Koç University, Turkey,
6) Burcin Unlu, Bogazici University, Turkey,
7) Ignacio Pagonabarraga, Barcelona University, Spain,
8) Dominik Rabus, Burkert/Lupyled, Germany,
9) Francesco Ginelli, Aberdeen University, UK,
10) Clemens Bechinger, Stuttgart University, Germany,
11) Jens Elgeti, FZ Center, Julich, Germany,

12) Ramin Golestanian, Oxford University, UK,

13) Elise Lorenceau: EPFL, Switzerland,

14) Giorgio Volpe, UCL, UK,
15) Alvaro Marin, Bundeswehr University, Germany.
16) Giovanni Volpe, Bilkent University, Turkey,
17) Meltem Elitas, Sabanci University, Turkey,

Experimental School: Cost Action MP1305-Flowing Matter

1) Meltem Elitas, Sabanci University, Turkey, (local organizer) – microfluidics + Experiment

2) Giorgio Volpe, UCL, UK, – active Brownian motion and bacteria
3) Giovanni Volpe, Bilkent University, Turkey, – optical tweezer + Experiment
4) Alvaro Marin, Bundeswehr Universität in Munich, Germany, – DVM

5) Alessandro Magazzù, Bilkent University, Turkey, – optical tweezer + Experiment
6) Elise Lorenceau, École des Ponts-ParisTech-IFSTTAR, France,
7) Simeon Stoyanov, Unilever R&D NL & professor in Wageningen Uni, NL and UCL, UK,

8) Stefano Buzzaccaro, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, + Experiment

Organizing Committee: Alper Kiraz, Burcin Unlu, Meltem Elitas, Lyderic Bocquet, Valeria Garbin, Irene Giardina, Elisabeth Guazzelli, Detlef Lohse, Chao Sun, Federico Toschi, Giovanni Volpe

Accommodation: Seker Pinar Hotel, Ramada Plaza, Workinn Hotel.


The workshop will take place at Sabanci University (Istanbul, Turkey) on April 13-15, 2016.


A Bosphorous tour will be organized on Saturday 16 for interested participants.


Transportation to/from the hotel and the conference place will be provided.


Please plan on arriving on Tuesday- April 12 as sessions will start in the morning of Wednesday.

A welcome reception will be held on Tuesday evening.

Contact for general meeting questions, registration and program information: